Saturday, 8 July 2017

SSLC Histroy TWO mark Questions Samachir Tamil Nadu

SSLC History 2 mark Questions and Answers
1.Imperialism in India and China
Define Imperialism.                                                                                                                  
It refers the policy of extending a country’s rule over the others.
It refers aggressive behavior of one state over another
It also refers to a country’s domination over the political and economic interest of another nation to exploit its natural resources.
2.What is Colonialism?
Colonialism refers to the policy of acquiring and maintaining countries for exploitation.
It also refers the relationship between the majority and a minority foreign invaders.
3.Write about the military imperialism.
The USA invaded over Iraq with its military power.
It made a favourable government in Iraq for USA.
4.How do you say that the Industrial Revolution is an important cause for the rise of Imperialism?
Industrial Revolution created a great demand for the raw materials in Europe.
Surplus production took place in Europe.
It forced the European countries to new markets to sell their products.
They could not find market in Europe due to the Protective Trade Policy of European countries. So they find colonies Asian and African countries.
Development in transport and communication promoted the imperialism.
5.What do you know about the economic or Tarrif control?
Some powerful nations took over the complete charge of finance of a weak and backward country.
Ex.Before world war I Ottoman empire took control of Turkish economic system.
6.Write a short note on Mandate system.
It is a new form of Imperialism emerged at Paris Pease conference (1919).
Most of the colonies were assigned to the League of Nation.
The League delegated its authority to various states as its agents or Mandatories.
7.What were the causes of First Opium War?
The British grow Opium in India and sold in China
The Chinese thought that Europeans disturbing their peace.
So Chinese levied heavy duties on the import of Opium
Later by 1800 Chinese government had banned the trade of Opium.
It affected the British very much. So they restored the war in 1839.
8.How did China became an international colony?
The Chinese rebelled against the Manchu rulers in 1899, known as Boxer rebellion.
The army and foreign power defeated the Boxers.
They marched the Peking, the capital
Empress Dowager fled the capital
The USA and England formulated Open Door Policy or Me too Policy.
The Chinese territories were partitioned between the European powers
9.Write a note on Taiping rebellion.
After the First Opium war the Americans and French signed various treaties with China.
So the Chinese rebelled against the native Manchu kings and foreigners in 1854. This was known as Taiping rebellion.
But it was suppressed.

2.First World War  A.D 1914  - 1918
1.Why did Germany need colonies?
Germany needed colonies to get raw materials and market for her products.
Germany needed colonies to get world importance
Germany needed colonies for her growing population.
2.Write a note on Moroccan problem.
France occupied Morocco
Kaiser William II of Germany opposed this and wanted to declare Morocco an international colony.
He sent two ships named Panther and Berlin to Morocco.
British intervened in this issue so Germany withdrew her war ships.
But Germany wanted to revenge Britain.
3.What was the immediate cause of the First world war?
In june 28 1914 the Austrian Prince Francis Ferdinand and his wife Isabella were assassinated by a Serbian at Serajevo, the capital of Bosnia.
Austria sent an ultimatum with humiliating terms to Serbia, but Serbia ignored the ultimatum.
So Austria declared war on Serbia on 28 july 1914.
4.Explain the eastern front.
The Russian forces attacked both Germany and Austria.
Russia suffered a defeat at the battle of Tennenburg.
Germany helped the Austria.
Due to German attack Russia withdrew from Austria.
5.Write a short notes on war on the sea.
North sea was commanded by British.
Mediterranean sea was dominated by French and Italy with the help of British.
In the Dogger bank battle German cruiser was destroyed by the British.
Jutland battle cause heavy losses to both countries.
German used submarines to sink the ships of the Allies.
6.Why did America enter the First World War?
In 1917 Germany drowned (or) destroyed the four ships of America including Lusitania.
More than hundred Americans died in this attack.
The American President Woodrow Wilson got angry and America declared war on Germany on 6th april 1917.
7.Mention the two terms of the treaty of Versailles.
The League of Nations was formed.
Germany’s army was reduced
Huge war indemnity or compensation was imposed over German. 
8. Wrtie any two fundamental principles of the League of Nations.
Improve the unity among the nations and keep peace and security in the world
The member nations should respect and safeguard the frontiers of neighbouring nations.
9.What are the Organs of the League of Nations.
1.The Gerneral assembly                            2.The Council                                  3.The Secretariat 
4.The international Court of Justice               5.The international Labour Organisation
10.List out any two causes for the failures of the League of Nations.
The League of nations did not have a permanent army on its own.
The member nations of League of Nations were not happy because League permitted to go out.
The rise of dictatorship in Germany, Japan and Italy weakened the League.

3.World Between The Two World War
1.What were the causes of Great Economic Depression?
The main cause of the Great Economic Depression was the collapse of American share market.
It was due to speculation of borrowed money.

2.Write a note on National Industrial Recovery Act.
The National industrial Recovery Act was passed to reform the conditions of the workers.
The wages for the workers was raised
The working hours were reduced.

3.What do you know about Agriculture Adjustment Act?
The Agricultural Adjustment Act was passed to provide compensation to farmers who curtailed or reduced the agricultural production to raise the prices.

4.Facism in Italy
1.What does the term Fascism mean?
The Term Fascism is derived from the Latin word “FASCES” means a bundle or group.

2.What were the four pillars of Fascism?
a.Charismatic Leadership                                      b.Single party rule under a dictator
c.Terror                                                 d.Economic control

3.Trace the reasons for the rise of Facism.
Italy faced great economic crisis due to the war expenditure.
The national debt increased manifold.
The prices of goods shot up.
Italy won the war but lost the peace.
Revolutionary ideas of the socialism gathered strength.

4.How did Mussolini seize power?
Mussolini formed the National Fascist Party in 1921 November.
Fascist organized a march to Rome in 1930 October.
The government surrendered.
The emperor Victor Emanuel III invited Mussolini to form the government.

5.Write any two achievement of Mussolini
Mussolini established peace and order.
He provided stable government.
He brought discipline in the industrial field.
Canals were dug.

6.How did Mussolini put an end to the conflict between the Pope and King?
The conflict came to an end with Latern Treaty 1929, signed between the Pope and Mussolini.
By this treaty Mussolini accepted the papacy of the Pope in the Vatican city.
Pope accepted the sovereignty of the king in Rome.
60 years of conflict came to an end.
5.Nazism in Germany
1.What did Hitler declare?
Hitler declar “One People,One State and One Leader”
2.What did he do in 1923? What was the result?
In 1923 he made an attempt to capture power.
It was known as “Beer Hall Revolution”
But he failed in his attempt.
He was arrested for treason and got five years of imprisonment.
3.How did Hitler become the Chancellor of Germany?
In the 1932 elections the Nazi party became the second largest party in the German parliament.
In 1933 the Nazi party became the largest party in the parliament and Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany.
On the death of president Hiddenburg in 1934, Hitler became president himself.
4.Write a brief note on Munich agreement.
Hitler want to join Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia.
An agreement was signed between Hitler and Chamberlin(Prime minister of Britain) at Munich in 1938.
By this pack Germany was allowed to annex the Sudetenland but not to conquer any other territories.
But in 1939, Hitler violated the agreement and captured the whole of Czechoslovakia.
5.How did Hitler maintain the policy of the Nordic race?      
Hitler boasted about the superiority of the Nordic race.
He hated Jews.
He wanted to maintain a German with Nordic elements.
He ordered the jews to be executed.
He published Nazi books
He appointed Nazi teachers for the students.
He trained the children in Nazi culture.

6.The Second World War A.D 1939 – A.D 1945)

1.How do you say that spirit of nationalism is one of the causes for the Second World War?
The concepts of German for Germans and Italy for Italians led to tension.
Germany boosted the superiority of the German race.
Nationalism developed love for one’s nation and rise above the regionalism.
When Nationalism crosses its limits it created violence over others.
2.How did Japan sow the seeds for the Second World War?
Japan emerged as a world power after the First World War.
The industrial development of Japan forced to follow the policy of imperialism
Japan signed Rome-Berlin-Tokyo with Axis nations.
3.Has Munich pact brought peace for some time? How?
Yes,Munich pact has brought peace for some time.
In 1938 Hitler threatened Czechoslovakia.
British Prime minister Chamberlin initiated talks.
The Munich pact signed between Hitler and Chamberlin.
Hitler promised that he not take any more territory of Czech.
But within 6 months Hitler violated the Munich pact and attacked the Czech.

4.What was the immediate cause for the Second World War?
Hitler wanted to construct a military road connecting East Prussia through Poland.
Hitler also demanded the surrender of Danzig.
Poland refused to Hitler.
So Hitler attacked the Poland known as Blitzkrieg on 1st September 1939.
France and Britain supported Poland thus started the second world war.
5.Write a note on the Scorched Earth policy.
On June 22 1941 Hitler invaded Russia.
Russians abandoned the villages and set fire to crops, roads, factories and even houses.
So that German could not gain anything.
This is called scorched earth policy.
Germans captured only empty city of Moscow.
After due to the severe winter Germans suffered with defeat.
6.Write a not on Battle of Britain.
In 1940 Hitler sent his Luftwaffe (airforce) to drop bombs on Britain.
Hitler used  “U” boats (submarines) to sink British ships.
Luftwaffe continuously bombed over London and other cities in 1940 between August and September.
This is called Battle of Britain.
Initially Britain suffered a lot.
But finally prime ministership of Winston Churchill turned war in favour of Britain.
7.Why did America declare war on Japan?
On December 7 1941 the Japanese attacked the Pearl Harbour of America.
This attack made the America to enter into the war.
The next day of Pearl harbour attack America declared war over Japan.

7.The United Nations Organisation

1.What are the main objectives of the UNO?
To maintain international peace and security.
To develop friendly relations among nations.
To settle international disputes by peaceful means.
To be a centre for helping nations by to achieve these goals.
2.Write brief note on Security Council.
The Security Council has five permanent members.
They are the USA, the UK, the France, the Russia, and China.
Permanent members has Veto power.
Non-permanent members are selected for a period of 2 year.
3.Mention any two achievement of the UNO.
It has signed many Nuclear Test Ban Treaties 1963 and comprehensive Test Ban treaty 1996.
The Suez canal issue was peacefully solved by the UNO.
The UNO also settled the Korean problem.
4.Describe the 50th anniversary celebrations of the UNO.
UNO celebrated its 50th anniversary during 1995.
The theme of celebration was “We the people of the United Nations United for a better world”.
In November 1995 UN flag was carried into outer space by space shuttle Atlantis to salute the services of UNO for the world Peace.

5.Mention some of the specialized agencies of the UNO.
World Health Organisation (WHO)
The World Bank(IBRD)
The international Labour Oraganisation (ILO)
Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO)

8.European Union

1.Mention the Initial member countries of the EU?
Belgium, France,Italy, Luexemberg, Netherland and West Germany.

2.What are the principal objectives of EU?
To establish European citizenship.
To ensure the civil rights of European citizens.
To promote social progress.
To protect European security.
To ensure justice.

3.What are the organs of the EU?
European Parliament
Council of the European Union
European Commission
Court of Justice
Court of Auditors

4.Write a brief note on the European Parliament.
It is the legislative body of EU.
Members are elected by the citizens of member counries.
The first election was held in 1979.
The EU parliament meets at Strasbourg.
It consist of 736 members
Members are elected for 5 year term.

5.Mention the main functions of the court of Justice.
It determines whether the treaties in the EU are implemented in accordance with Union law.
Its judgments and EU law common for all the member states.

6.What is the significance of the Euro.
Euro is the common currency of EU.
It was put in circulation on January 1, 2002.
The symbol of Euro is “E”
Euro eliminated foreign exchange hurdles between the EU members
It has promoted free trade policy

9.The Great Revolt of 1857

1.What were the social and religious causes for the Great Revolt of 1857?
Social Causes:
Conservative Indian population were against of spread of western  culture.
The abolition of SATI, female infanticide and legalizing widow remarriage were considered as the interference in tradition of the Hindus.
Religious Causes:
The Hindu law of property was changed. It allowed to receive ancestral property for the converted Christian from hindu.
British imposed taxes on the land belongs to the temples and mosques.

2.Name the important leaders and centres of the mutiny.
Leaders: Rani Lakshmi Bai, Tantia Tope, Nana Saheb, Begum Hazarat Mahal and Kunwar Singh.
Centers:Meerut, Delhi,Lucknow,Kanpur,and Jansi.

3.Write a short note on the revolt at Delhi.
Sir Archdale Wilson, Nicholson and Lawrence freed Delhi from the rebels.
People were massacred by British soldiers.
Bahadur Shah II, Mugal Emperor was exiled to Rangoon for treason.

4.Mention the importance of Queen Victoria’s Proclamation.
It was issued in 1858.
It was read by Lord Canning at the Durbar in Delhi.
It is called “The Magna Carta of India”
According to this, the administration of India was directly taken by the British Crown.
Lord canning become the first Viceroy of India.
It promised to pay regards to the ancient rites and customs of India.

5.How did India cripple Indian trade?
British imposed heavy taxes over in imports in Britain.
British goods were imported in to India at nominal duty.
The India weavers and craft men were   received very low salary.

6.What was the immediate cause for the revolt of 1857?
The greased cartridges were introduced.
There was a rumour that the fat of the Cow and Pig had been used to grease the cartridges.
These cartridges need to be bitten off before loading.
Hindu and Muslims were refused to use these cartridges.

7.Why was not the revolt widespread?
The revolt not spread to south India.
Large number of rulers and zamindars not join the revolt.
The educated Indians not supported the movement.
The Telegraph and Postal Communication helped the British to suppress the spread of rebellion.
Social Science Teacher

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