Saturday, 31 January 2015

கோட்சேயின் மூன்று குண்டுகள் .........

கோட்சேயின் மூன்று குண்டுகள் .........
1948 [dthp 30e; Njjp khiy 5 kzpf;F kfhj;kh Rl;Lf; nfhs;sg;gl;l NghJ cyfNk me;j nra;jpia Nfl;L Jbj;jJ.  tho;ehnsy;yhk; md;G newp jiof;f cioj;j me;j cj;jkH ntwpgpbj;j xU kdpjdhy; tPo;j;jg;gl;l NghJ kdpjk; kha;f;fg;gl;l NghJ nra;tjwpahJ jpifj;jdH kf;fs;.  ,dp vd;d? vd;w Nfs;tp vOe;jJ.  me;j Nfs;tpf;F ,d;Dk; tpilfhz Kbahky; jj;jspf;fpwJ kdpj rKjhak;.  epj;jk; epj;jk; epfOk; td;Kiw muf;fDf;F VNjh xU tpjj;jpy; rkhjhdq;fSk; $wg;gl;L tUfpd;wd.  me;j rkhjhdq;fs; kjk; rhHe;jitfshfNth> ,dk; rhHe;jitfshfNth my;yJ nghUshjhuk; rhHe;jitfshfNth cs;sd.  Mdhy; ve;j rkhjhdq;fSk; rkurq;fSk; vjpHkiwahfNt cs;sd.  ,e;epiyapy; jhd; kfhj;kh fhl;ba NeHKiw mDFKiw ,q;Nf Ma;Tf;F cl;gLj;jg;gLfpwJ.
    kfhj;kh fhe;jpapd; rpe;jidfis mtuJ nray;Kiwfisj;jhd; fhe;jpak; vd;fpNwhk;.  Mdhy; ,d;Wkl;Lky;y mtH tho;e;j fhyj;jpNyNa fhe;jpak; jhf;FjYf;F cs;shdJ.  mtuJ rpe;jid rdhjd itjpf kjthjpfshSk; xLf;fg;gl;l kf;fspd; chpikf;fhf cioj;jtHfshSk;> nghJ cilik rpj;jhe;j thjpfshYk; vjpHg;Gf;F chpa xd;whf ,Ue;jJ.  rdhjd itjpfHfs; fhe;jpaj;jpd; kPJ njhLj;j jhf;Fjy; Ghpe;j nfhs;sf; $baNj Vndd;why; itjpf jHkj;jpd; mopfpg;Nghd mjHkkhd rpejhe;jq;fisAk; nray;ghLfisAk; fhe;jpabfisg; Nghy fwhwhf vjpHj;jtHfs; NtW vtUk; ,y;iy vdf; $wyhk;. `pe;J kjj;jpy; Nt&d;wp tpl;l jPz;lhikNa fhe;jpabfspd; jhf;FjYf;F cl;gl;l Kjy; ,yf;F.  jPz;lhik vd;w njhw;W Neha; xope;jhy; ,e;Jkjk; gpiof;Fk;.  ,y;iyNay; mJ xope;J Ngha;tpLk; vd;gJ cWjp vd $wpa fhe;jpabfs; ghy;a tpthjj;jpd; %ykhf rpWtH rpWkpaH jq;fs; tho;f;ifia mopj;Jf; nfhs;tij vjpHj;j fhe;jpia> tpjit kWkzj;ijAk;> fyg;G jpUkzj;ijAk; rkge;jp Ngh[dj;ijAk; tw;GWj;jpa kfhj;khit rdhjd thjpfs; vjpHj;jij Ghpe;Jf;nfhs;s KbfpwJ.  Mdhy; jPz;lj;jfhjtHfs; vd ,e;J rKjhaj;jhy; xJf;fp itf;fg;gl;l> xLf;fg;gl;l> rKjhaj;jpd; fil Nfhbf;F js;sg;gl;l fhe;jpabfshy; `hp[dq;fs; mjhtJ flTspd; Foe;ijfs; vd miof;fg;gl;l jho;j;jg;gl;l kf;fs; Vd; jq;fs; vjphpahf fhe;jpabfis ghHf;f itf;fg;gLfpwhHfs; vd;gJ jhd; Ghpe;J nfhs;s Kbahj tpilfhz Kbahj tpdhthf cs;sJ.
    GNd xg;ge;jj;jpd; %ykhf jho;j;jg;gl;l kf;fSf;F fhe;jp JNuhfk; nra;Jtpl;lhH vd;w gug;Giu gyfhykhf nra;ag;gl;L tUtJk; tUzh]uk jHkj;ij fhe;jpabfs; Vw;Wf; nfhz;lJNk jyPj; r%fk; vjphpahf milahsk; fhz NghJkhdJ vd;W fUJfpwhHfs; vd;why;> mJ Ghpe;J nfhs;shikapd; NghjhikNa vd;Wjhd; fUjply; Ntz;Lk;.  fhe;jpabfspd; tHzh];uk Nfhl;ghLfs; rKjhaj;ij gpsT gLj;Jk; rhjpaf; Nfhl;ghly;y vd;gij Ghpe;J nfhs;Sjy; rw;W fbdNk.  jpwe;j kdNjhL fhe;jpabfs; tho;f;if nray;ghl;by; ftdj;ij nrYj;jpdhy; kl;LNk mjid Ghpe;Jzu ,aYk;.  nghJ r%fj;jpypUe;J ,d;Dk; xJq;fpAk; xJf;fpAk; itf;fg;gl;bUf;Fk; jyPj; kf;fis epue;jukhf xJf;fp itf;fhkypUf;fNt fhe;jpabfspd; vuthlh rpiw cz;zhtpuj Nghuhl;lk; vd czHjy; fbdNk.  Mdhy; vJ vt;thW ,Ug;gpDk; fhe;jpabfisg; Nghy jyPj; kf;fSf;fhf Fuy; nfhLj;jtH NtnwhUtH ,Uf;f KbahJ vd;gjw;F vLj;Jf;fhl;lha; tpsq;FfpwJ mtH 1915 Nk 1e; Njjp kapyhLJiwapy; Ngrpa Ngr;R-
    1915 [dthp 9e; Njjp njd;dhg;hpf;fhtpypUe;J jhafk; jpUk;gpa fhe;jpabfs; ehL KOtJk; Rw;wpg; gazk; nra;jhH.  mg;NghJ jpy;iyahb nrd;Wtpl;L kapyhLJiwf;F (khatuk;) te;j NghJ mtUf;F mspf;fg;gl;l tuNtw;gpy; gjpYiuj;j fhe;jpabfs; $wpaJ-
    juq;fk;ghbapy; gQ;rk rNfhjuHfspd; tuNtw;G xd;iw jw;nrayhfg; ngw;Nwd;.  Fbjz;zPH trjp ,y;iy> tho;f;if trjpfs; ,y;;iy> epyk; thq;fNth tpw;fNth Kbatpy;iy.  ePjpkd;wq;fSf;Fr; nry;y Kbatpy;iy vd;nwy;yhk; mtHfs; njhptpj;jdH.  ,t;tpj epiyik Vw;gLtjw;F ahH nghWg;G?  ,e;epiy ePbf;f ehk; mDkjpf;fyhkh?  ,Jjhd; ,e;J kjkh?  vdf;Fj; njhpatpy;iy.  ntspehLfspy; ,Ue;Jnfhz;L ehd; ,e;J kjj;ijg; gw;wp mwpe;j tiu jho;j;jg;gl;NlhH KJfpy; Vwp cl;fhUtJ ,e;J kjk; my;y vd;Nw njhpfpwJ.  ,Jjhd; ,e;J kjk; vd;W nka;g;gpf;fg;gl;lhy;> ehd; mjd; gfpuq;f tpNuhjpahNtd;.  jPz;lj;jfhjtHfs; vd;w xU tFg;ghH cUthf fhuzkhf ,Ue;jtHfs; ahH?  vq;Nf gpuhkzHfs; ,Uf;fpwhHfNsh mq;nfy;yhk; caHe;jtHfs; vd;w khpahijia mtHfNs ngWtjhf ehd; mwpfpNwd;.  mtHfs;jhd caHe;jtHfs; vd;w mWfij ngWgtHfs; vd;why; ,e;j ghtk; mtHfisNa rhUk;. gz;bjUf;Fk;> ghkuDf;Fk; vtd; NtWghL ghuhl;Ltjpy;iyNah mtNd cz;ikahd gpuhkzd; vd;W fPij $WfpwJ.  khatuj;jp;y; cs;s gpuhkzHfs; jq;fisAk; giwaHfisAk; rkNehf;Fld; ghHf;fPwhHfsh?  cq;fSila tuNtw;G gj;jphpf;iff;F vd;Dila kWnkhop ,JNt.  khatuj;jpy; gpuhkzHfs; gQ;rk rNfhjuHfsplk; rkkhf gofpdhy; kw;w tFg;gpdH mth;fis gpd;gw;w khl;lhNdd;W nrhy;thHfsh?  jq;fSila jw;fhypf epiyik g+Htpf jt gyj;jhy; jiyKiw jj;Jtkhf fpilj;jJ vd;W gpuhkzHfs; nrhy;thHfNsahdhy; mtHfs; Njrj;ij ehrkhf;Fk; ghtpfs; MthHf;s;.        ( gf;fk; 193).
    ,t;thW gQ;rkHfSf;fhf ghpe;J thHj;ijfis neUg;gha; ckpo;e;j mz;ziy vt;thW vjphpfsha; fUj ,k;kf;fs; J}z;btplg;gl;lhHfs; vd;gJjhd; Ghpahj GjpH.  Nfhl;Nrapd; %d;W Fz;Lfistpl nfhbajy;yth ,e;j fhe;jp vjpHg;G gug;Giu.

                                     F. ghyRg;ukzpad;
                          fhe;jpabfs; ew;gzpf; fofk;.


Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Topics - Disaster Managment std 10th and 9th

Topics for Disaster Management  Project
std 10th 
Do any one of the following:-
Project 1_ Role of Govt./Non-Government functionaries in your locality in Disaster Management.
Interview any two of the Govt. /Non-Government functionaries in your locality on their role in Disaster Management.
Senior District Magistrate
Additional District Magistrate
Head of any NGO working in your locality – dealing in Disaster Management
Police inspector, Superintendent of Police
Civil Defence Warden/elected representatives
Home guard personnel
NCC Commandant in the school
Deputy Commissioner of Municipality
School Principal
Carry out a survey by enquiring from at least 20 persons from different walks of life (such as shopkeepers, housewives, senior citizens, college students, etc.) in your locality on the hazards prevalent, and preventive measures they have taken or would like to take to reduce the impact.
Prepare a Survey report highlighting the areas where awareness is needed and the local resources available in the locality to create awareness.
(Note for Teachers: The teachers can select any two of the functionaries based on their availability in that city/town. This topic can be taken up individually by students or by a group consisting of two students. In case of group work where two students are involved, work should be divided equally so that distribution of marks is easier).
Project 2: Generating Awareness on Disaster Management
Design a 10 minute skit on Disaster Management. Design posters on do’s and don’ts of various hazards prevalent in that area.
Visit a slum community and enact the skit by using the posters. The Skit and the posters can also be used to make the junior students aware.
(Note for the Teachers: Better awareness and preparedness amongst the community members have saved a lot of life and property. As responsible future citizens of the country, students can play a major role in awaring the community to be better prepared for natural hazards (flood, cyclone, landslide, tsunami etc) and human induced hazards (fire, rail road and air accidents ). Local language should be used so that the community is able to have a better understanding. The Principal along with the teachers can help the students in organizing a meeting with the local slum community).
PROJECT 3 – Preparation of Models of Disaster Resilient Structures
Make layouts of models based on structural improvement in buildings in a rural/ urban community in coastal areas prone to floods/cyclones or in areas prone to earthquakes/landslides. Show the special features of the buildings and indicate the early warning system that could be best used in that community.
(Note for Teachers: To carry out the project, there is a need to have a good understanding about the subject. The class X textbook on Disaster Management will help the teachers and the students to have a fair understanding about the topic. However, the school also needs to seek support from qualified engineers, and architects who have knowledge on safe construction practices from either the Government or private sector and also from academic institutions. Qualified engineers and architects can be invited by the principal of the school for lectures and also to suggest methods of carrying out the models. For assessing the project carried out by the school, these qualified persons may also be invited.)
PROJECT 4 – Pocket Guide on First Aid
Prepare a pocket guide on First Aid for your school. The First Aid pocket guide should contain aid that needs to be given for fractures, poisoning, cuts and burns, heat and cold wave and other threats that are prevalent in that area. The content shared in the guide should be supported with adequate pictures so as to give a clear and elaborate understanding about the topic. Choose awareness campaign strategy for either senior citizens or illiterate people and prepare a brief write-up.
(Note for the Teachers: The project can be carried out by a group of students in a class and work can be equally divided amongst the students so that the teachers are able to evaluate them easily. Doctors, local health practitioners, trained volunteers of Red Cross and professionals from other agencies/bodies/institutes, proficient in this field can be consulted to prepare the first-aid pocket guide. This guide can be printed by the school administration and shared with all the students, teachers and other staff members of the school. It can be used as a ready reckoner for any First Aid related information.
PROJECT 5 – Institutional Case Study on Disaster Response
Visit a local NGO/agency such as the United Nations, Red Cross/ Voluntary Youth Organisations like Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS), National Cadet Corp (NCC), Bharat Scouts and Guides etc; and prepare a case study on how the agencies played a major role in Disaster Response.
(Note for the Teachers: The teachers may select the organisation/agency that they would like the students to be associated with. It can be mentioned here that each district in India has a Red Cross wing headed by the District Magistrate/Collector/Dy. Commissioner. The students before analysing the role played by various agencies can give a brief background of the organisation/agency on its mandate, objectives and goals and role during disasters).
PROJECT 6 – Communication facilities for Disaster Management
Choose any one method of communication from various means of communication like radio/satellite/television/ Ham radio which are used by Government departments such as the Indian Meteorological Department to disseminate information. Find out how the information is disseminated by them at various levels during disasters. Prepare a report.
(Note for the Teachers: The students can visit the government departments such as the All India Radio, Doordarshan etc. Principals are expected to issue a letter to the concerned Government Department so as to inform the department that the information collected will be solely for project purpose. Case studies can also be collected to make the project more interesting).

PROJECT 7: Preparation of Disaster Contingency Plan
Prepare a Contingency Plan either for your school or home/community.. The Plan should be based on an actual survey of your area/locality or school. The Plan prepared should consist of the following maps, inventory of resources available and a seasonality calendar highlighting the seasons prone to various hazards prevalent in that locality/school.
•    A social map
•     A Resource map
•    A Vulnerability map on the outline map of your locality.
(Note for the Teachers: The teachers need to help the students while preparing the plan for the locality/school. It should answer the questions given under the sub-heading ‘community contingency plan’ in the lesson, called ‘Planning Ahead’ of Class X Disaster Management textbook.

Std :9                         Disaster Management Projects
Topics :
Ø A study on distribution of volcanoes and its impacts
Ø A study on seismic zones of the world and its vulnerability
Ø A study on seismic zones of India and its vulnerability
Ø A study on flood and its impacts in India
Ø A study on flood control measures and its success
Ø A study on Tsunami Warning System in India
Ø A study on Tsunami Prone Zones of India and awareness of the people in that region.
Ø A study on cyclone warning system in India
Ø A study on impacts of cyclone in India
Ø Preparing a First aid guide for your school and awareness on first aid among the students or a community(slum)
Ø A study on landslides in India/Tamilnadu and measures to control landslide
Ø A study on structural changes in regions prone to earthquake or flood or cyclone.
Ø Conducting awareness programme on any one disaster in the slum or to your juniors.

Note :
Ø Data can be collected from primary, secondary, tertiary or quaternary sources.
Ø Each and every line in the project should be written by the students.
Ø Copying the text from web strictly prohibited, violating this may leads to rejection.
Ø Std IX students may also use manual writing method.
Ø Std X students must submit in the printed form.
Ø Students are expected to use this as an opportunity to develop their creativity and research thinking. 

Monday, 12 January 2015

என்னைப் பற்றி என் சீடர்கள்

என்னைப் பற்றி என் சீடர்கள்
உலகத்தின் பெரிய முட்டாள் – உலகில்
ஏழு அதிசியங்கள் என்பவன்,
எங்கள் எட்டாவது அதிசியமாய்
உலகத்தைப் பற்றி கற்பிக்க வந்த
தலை சிறந்த ஆசிரியருக்கு.

வான் புகழோடு வரலாற்றையும்,
புன்னகையோடு புவியியலையும்,
ஆர்வத்தோடு அரசியலையும்,
பொறுமையோடு பொருளியலையும்
கல்லுக்கும் கற்பிக்கும் கர்ணன் நீங்கள்.

பல சமயம் உங்கள் கண்டிப்பில்
அன்பு கலந்த கவலை இருந்தது.
எங்கள் கண்களின் இமைகளாகவும்,
பூவிற்கு வேலியாகவும் இருக்கும்
உண்மையின் தலைவனே!
தத்துவத்தின் தளபதியே

பல கலைகளில் கலைஞராகவும்,
கட்டுப்படுத்துவதில் ஜெயாவாகவும்,
எங்களை வழிநடத்தி செல்லும் தளபதியாகவும்,
இளைஞர்களின் சுவாசமாக திகழும் கெஜ்ரிவாலாகவும்,
நினைத்ததை முடிப்பதில் அன்னா ஹசாரேவாகவும்,
ஊமைகளின் குரலாக விளங்கும் ஒபாமாவாகவும்,
மொத்தத்தில் எங்களை சுத்தப்படுத்தும் மோடி.

கல்லும் கூட உங்கள் வகுப்பில் உணர்ச்சி பெறுகிறது.
மண்ணும் கூட நீங்கள் சொன்னால் தலையசைக்கிறது.
விண்மீன் கூட உங்கள் பாதைக்கு வழிவிடுகிறது
திமிங்கிலம் கூட உங்கள் வலையில் வசிக்கும்.

ஐஸ்வர்யா 9ம் வகுப்பு ஆ பிரிவு
பூஜிதா 9ம் வகுப்பு இ பிரிவு

என்னை பெருமைப்படுத்துவதற்காக அல்ல சிந்தனை திறன் மிகுந்த மாணவிகளை ஊக்கப்படுத்துவதற்காக. நன்றிகள்.